Gables Greenways


Bike Walk Coral Gables has been advocating for better bike facilities since the Coral Gables Bike Pedestrian Master Plan was approved in 2014. Segments of the plan have been built; but starting in 2018, the City of Coral Gables will be constructing the central spine of the plan. Connecting the northern limits of Coral Gables down to the Old Cutler Trail, the Gables Greenways project will be adding safe, beautiful, and comfortable bike facilities on Salzedo, University Drive, and Riviera

The Gables Greenways project is kicking off with an actual demonstration of one of the bike lane options! The two demonstrations will be installed on Salzedo Street and University Drive - just south of our downtown. These bike lane demonstrations will be available this September, showing what one of the options being considered will look like. 

Want to try out these real-life demonstrations with us? Join us on the "City Beautiful" Gables Bike Tour on September 18 for a special inside scoop on the project. 

To give your input on the types of bike lanes you want to see in our city, go to the Gables Greenways website at

As the designs for the Gables Greenways are being finalized, the team will need the support and voice of the community. Several options will be studied for each street. Public open-house style meetings will be held to discuss and determine these options. Join us for these interactive public sessions, held on Thursday, September 28 at the Coral Gables Museum and Wednesday, October 18 at the Coral Gables Library.

Want to learn more? Check out the Gables Greenways website: 

Kenneth Garcia